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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-12-22 08:42:50 来源: 作者:用户67509    浏览次数:2    

还是更喜欢老朋友,三观合得上,懂我的脾气,开玩笑有度,不戳对方痛处,温柔又有教养,不见面的日子大家都辛苦了。 I like my old friends better. I know my temper well. I have a good sense of humor. I don't poke at each other's pain. I'm gentle and cultured. It...


I like my old friends better. I know my temper well. I have a good sense of humor. I don't poke at each other's pain. I'm gentle and cultured. It's hard for us not to meet each other.


I'm not in the same school as you. The only way to miss you is to mention you to others, enrich your life and have a bright future. This is the meaning of our temporary separation.


I really miss us at that time. We go to the toilet together, fight together, run together, eat together, sleep together, be scolded by the teacher together, do everything together, nothing can erase our traces, we will always be us.


Wear a pair of comfortable shoes and go to an appointment with an old friend. It doesn't matter when and where. It doesn't matter if the road is far away. Anyway, the weather is so good that we haven't seen each other for a long time!


It is said that the school where God arranges you to study proves that there are people you need to meet in the school.


Even if one day we don't talk, or one day we don't get in touch, I still think you are my very important person.

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