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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-01-17 01:58:30 来源: 作者:用户71771    浏览次数:1    

家是温暖的,因为家里有母亲疼我,父亲爱我,我是在父母的呵护下长大的。 My home is warm because my mother loves me and my father loves me. I grew up under the care of my parents. 都说想家的时候看月亮,想妈妈的时候看星星,我不知道当噬骨的思念涌上心头时,望着满天的繁星我能不能控制住自...


My home is warm because my mother loves me and my father loves me. I grew up under the care of my parents.


It is said that I look at the moon when I am homesick and the stars when I miss my mother. I don't know if I can control myself from crying when I look at the stars all over the sky.


In the eyes of visionaries, the sky is always gray. Because only gray is incomplete, and only incomplete can they fantasize.


In may, although the weather is still chilly. However, I can't stop the vitality of all things. At this moment, I am especially homesick-I miss the warmth of my home from afar!


Home is a harbor, and when you go far, you will naturally be in Return, a harbor where you park; Home is to rely on. When tired, I lie in the soft bed and get drunk deeply. Home is the eternal habitat of people.


Homesickness, warmth, always makes me calm. Every day, I miss my family's bed and whether my mother has white hair again.


After all, people have to leave their homes, including their homes. Perhaps it is this separation that makes that miss extraordinarily warm and beautiful.


Home is the maintenance umbrella of your heart, the Garden of Eden, where you can let go of all your worries and tiredness, the warmest harbor after the wind and rain, the promise, the peace of mind and the infatuation.

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