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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-08-25 20:55:28 来源: 作者:用户60750    浏览次数:1    

从前有一只狐狸,肚子饿得咕咕叫,它东奔西跑地找东西吃,看见一只青蛙正在捉害虫,心里想,先拿这只青蛙当点心,填填肚子也好。 once upon a time there was a fox who was growling with hunger. It ran around looking for something to eat. When it saw a frog catchi...


once upon a time there was a fox who was growling with hunger. It ran around looking for something to eat. When it saw a frog catching pests, it thought to itself that it would be better to take this frog as a snack and fill its stomach first.


The fox ran gently step by step, and ran two more steps to catch the frog, but the frog was catching pests and didn't know it at all.

这事儿让乌龟看见了,他急忙伸长脖子,一口咬住狐狸的尾巴。The tortoise saw this. He quickly craned his neck and grabbed the fox's tail.


"Oh, oh, who bit my tail?" cried the fox.


Did the tortoise answer? No. It opened its mouth to speak, didn't it just let the fox go? The tortoise didn't speak, and kept biting the fox's tail.


When the frog heard the fox calling behind him, he ran to the pond with a jump and jumped into the water with a "plop".


The turtle was very clever. He shrank his head and shrank into his hard shell. The fox did not bite its head, so he bit its legs. The turtle shrank its four legs and shrank into the hard shell. The fox did not bite his legs, and when he saw that there was a small tail, he bit its small tail. The turtle shrank its small tail again and shrank into the small hard shell. 。


The fox was really hungry and panicked, so he went to bite the turtle's hard shell, "avalanche, avalanche". his teeth were sore, but he still couldn't bite.


The fox said, "Turtle, turtle, I'm going to throw you into the sky and 'slap'you to death."


The turtle said, "Thank you, thank you, you throw it, I was thinking of going to the sky to play!"


The fox said, "Turtle, turtle, I'm going to throw you into the brazier and burn you with a'hula '."


The turtle said, “Thank you, thank you, you throw it, I'm chilling, just looking for a brazier to roast the fire!”


The fox said, "Turtle, turtle, I'm going to throw you into the pond and drown you with a'plop '."


When the turtle heard the fox say this, he cried with a loud cry: "Fox, fox, please, don't throw me into the pond, I am most afraid of water, I will die if I fall into the water!"


The fox ignored it, grabbed its hard shell, walked to the pond, "plopped" and threw the turtle into the water.


When the turtle got into the water, it stretched out its four legs and rowed and rowed until it reached the frog. The two good friends laughed and said, "Fox, fox, do you still want to eat us? Speak, speak!"


The fox fainted with anger, threw himself at the frog and the turtle, and fell into the pond with a "plop". The frog and the turtle saw bubbles on the water for a while, and never saw the fox come out of the water again.

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