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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-10-18 15:13:14 来源: 作者:用户94451    浏览次数:0    

1. 闺蜜就是当你想哭诉的时候,她会把肩膀借给你靠,当你靠完的时候,她会让你帮她洗干净眼泪沾湿的衣服。 Bestie is when you want to cry, she will lend your shoulder to rely on, when you rely on the end of the time, she will let you help her clean te...

1. 闺蜜就是当你想哭诉的时候,她会把肩膀借给你靠,当你靠完的时候,她会让你帮她洗干净眼泪沾湿的衣服。

Bestie is when you want to cry, she will lend your shoulder to rely on, when you rely on the end of the time, she will let you help her clean tears wet clothes.

2. 闺蜜就是不见时挂念,见了时讨厌,自己能欺负,别人不能欺负的奇怪人群。

Bestie is missing miss, see when hate, they can bully, others can not bully the strange crowd.

3. 告诉你,就凭当初咱们的交情,我就敢在你的生命中猖狂一辈子。

Tell you, on the basis of our friendship, I dare to be rampant in your life for a lifetime.

4. 闺蜜就是,当她睡不着的时候,你也甭想睡。

Bestie is, when she can't sleep, you don't want to sleep.

5. 今天吵明天笑,近了烦远了想,不见面挂念,见了面又讨厌。

Today noisy tomorrow laugh, near tired far think, do not meet miss, met and hate.

6. 一直相信我的闺蜜会变得很有钱,然后包养我,结果,那货也是这样想的。

Always believe that my bestie will become very rich, and then keep me, as a result, that goods also think so.

7. 闺蜜有了对象,感觉养了多年的猪被吃了。

Bestie has an object, feel raised for many years the pig was eaten.

8. 你和我,现在虽然不能经常见面,但是我总是把你放在我的心上。

You and I, now although can not often meet, but I always put you in my heart.


I will be sweet and greasy call you baby, looking at the thunder over the people at the same time turned secretly smile.

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