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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-29 17:59:19 来源: 作者:用户99413    浏览次数:0    

1.我们要接受自己的平庸,但不是习惯自己的平庸 。 We should accept our mediocrity, but not get used to it. 2.所谓生活不过是把往事成诗,把回忆下酒,大口喝完回忆这杯酒,甭管当初跌得多痛,我们都得继续往前走。 "Life is just turning the past into poetry, drinking the memories,...

1.我们要接受自己的平庸,但不是习惯自己的平庸 。

We should accept our mediocrity, but not get used to it.


"Life is just turning the past into poetry, drinking the memories, and gulping down the memories. No matter how painful the fall was, we all have to move on. -Lu Sihao's so-called life is just turning the past into poetry, drinking the memories and gulping down the memories. No matter how painful the fall was, we all have to move on.


You can have a bad experience, but you can't indulge yourself in a bad life


Don't wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is too far away. Take action today.


Handles are all headwinds, but I believe this game must be a turnaround. See you at the top


I hope that through hard work, I will leave a strong mark on the world.


I don't believe in the lines of palms, but I believe in the power of palms and fingers.


Efforts should be a habit, not a whim. In this way, you can confidently say that what you get is never a fluke.

9.如果命运是世界上最烂的编剧 ,你就争取做自己人生最好的演员。

If fate is the worst screenwriter in the world, try to be the best actor in your life.

10.当所有压力,家庭压力,生活压力,都堆在一起的时候, 才发现自己已经不是能吃颗糖就能开心的年纪,在无法预料的未来,我们平平安安就好。

When all the pressures, family pressures and life pressures are piled together, we find that we are not old enough to be happy with a candy. In the unpredictable future, we will be safe and sound.

11.即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅地谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。 ​

Even if no one applauds you, take a graceful curtain call and thank you for your hard work. ​


We chose the most difficult road, but it is also the road with the most beautiful scenery.

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